Initial Consultation

When prospective clients contact me because they are considering working with the Tomatis® Method, I invite them to meet me for a coffee so that I can answer their questions and we can discuss their desired goals and whether Tomatis® is suited to their requirements.  There is no charge for this first meeting, and of course no obligation for the prospective client to go ahead with a Tomatis® programme.

If the decision to go ahead with Tomatis® is made, I ask the client to complete questionnaires which help me design a programme suited to the client’s individual needs.  When appropriate, I will also use the Tomatis® Listening Test, TLTS, to assess the client’s listening potential and possible challenges.

The Listening Sessions

There are a variety of listening devices available to suit individual needs of clients.

A Tomatis® Listening Programme usually consists of 3 or 4 Listening Intensives.  The Listening Intensive lasts 14 days, and the client listens to the Tomatis® music for 40 to 60 minutes per day.  These times and the duration of the Intensive may vary depending on the individual needs of the client.

There is always a break from listening between each Listening Intensive.  The break lasts a minimum of 4 weeks, sometimes longer according to individual circumstances.

I offer Tomatis® Listening Programmes from my Listen and Learn home-based office, or if it is more convenient for the client, and not too far away for me, I can come to the client’s home for the listening sessions.

End Assessment

After three, or possibly four 14 day long Listening Intensives, the client completes an assessment which provides information about progress and determines whether additional listening sessions are recommended, depending on the client’s goals, which may change and be extended as the client experiences positive and exciting development during the listening programme.

The results obtained with the Tomatis® Method are lasting, provided that a minimum of three Listening Intensives are completed.